This statement sets out Danpol Limited Policy in respect of an employee or contractor whose proper performance of their duties is or may be impaired as a result of drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
The Company has taken into account the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Transport and Works Act 1992. Provided that the employees adhere to the provisions of this policy they will normally be able to demonstrate compliance with the legislations. All persons concerned are to be made be aware of this statement and become familiar with its content.
It is a requirement of Danpol Limited that no employee or contractor shall:
Report or endeavour to report for duty having just consumed alcohol or under the influence of drugs
Report for duty in an unfit state due to the use of alcohol or drugs
Be in possession of drugs of abuse in the workplace
Consume alcohol or drugs whilst on duty
Danpol Limited will not tolerate any departure from these rules and will take appropriate disciplinary action in the event of any infringement.
A programme of screening has been put in place. This includes procedures to:
Detect the use of drugs by both existing and potential employees
Detect the use of alcohol and or drugs by any person(s) involved in a Safety Critical Incident where there are grounds to suspect that the actions of the person(s) led to the incident.
Detect the use of alcohol and or drugs where abnormalities of behaviour prompt managerial intervention (which may include a request for screening)
All employees have a responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this Policy.
Any breach of this Policy will be regarded as a disciplinary offence.
The company realise that the consumption of alcohol or drugs by employees can be a serious problem not only for the abuser but also for their co-workers. The possession of certain drugs is illegal, exposing the abuser to criminal charges.
The company has a general duty under The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, the company will also be breaking the law if they knowingly allowed drug related activities on their premises and they failed to act.
The Managing Director is responsible for carrying out the company’s policy; however, it is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that its aims are carried out in areas under their control. This policy applies to all employees and they should have access to the full policy and be aware of any changes.
Signs of misuse
Senior staff will be aware that the misuse of drugs or alcohol by employees might come to light in various ways. The following characteristics, especially when arising in combination, may indicate the presence of an alcohol or drug related problem.
• Unexplained and increased absenteeism
• Instances of unauthorised absence or leaving work early
• Poor time keeping i.e. lateness, especially on returning after lunch
• Unusually high level of sickness/absence for colds/flu/stomach upset
• Impaired job performance
• Dishonesty/theft
• Unusual irritability, aggression and mood changes
• Tendency to be confused and fluctuations in concentration & energy
• Accidents
Company procedure on drugs and alcohol
• Employees are expressly forbidden to consume alcohol when at work or to bring it onto company premises without prior management permission. Any breach of this rule will result in disciplinary action being taken that is likely to result in summary dismissal.
• Employees who misuse drugs which have not been prescribed on medical grounds will, in the absence of mitigating circumstances, be deemed to be committing an act of gross misconduct and will thus render themselves subject to the company’s disciplinary procedures. This also applies to employees believed to be buying or selling drugs or in possession of unlawful (i.e. un-prescribed) drugs.
• If an employee is known to be or strongly suspected of being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs during working hours, the Managing Director or nominated deputy should make arrangements for the employee to be escorted from the company premises immediately, pending further investigation.
• A Manager who feels an employee’s unsatisfactory performance may be drug or alcohol related will at the first instance assess the ability of that person to work safely and act accordingly. The nature of work they do will be a significant factor in this assessment and may result in the person being removed from the workplace in the interests of safety.
Safeguards when dealing with drugs and alcohol problems It should be made clear that the company is aware that a person suffering from these problems will be dealt with fairly.
The company realise that: -
• Absence for treatment and rehabilitation will be regarded as normal sickness
• Relapses may occur
• The policy will be monitored with consultation with employees and safety representatives
Drug misuse awareness
All Managers and staff will be made aware of the effects of alcohol and drug misuse. All employees should also be made aware of the company procedures and information through notices, posters and leaflets will be made available. All employees are encouraged not to cover up for employees with a drink or drug problem but to recognise that collusion represents a false sense of loyalty and will, in the longer term, damage those employees. Individual advice should be sought, confidentially through the management structure of the company, the policy details this procedure. External advice and information can be obtained through local organisations dealing with drugs and alcohol abuse.